Sunday, November 17, 2013

Desk or no desk? - that is the question.

After many weeks of trying to make a final decision, I did it.  I got rid of my teacher's desk!!!  
It was a huge old school desk, metal, with 13 years of use.  I wanted to gain space for the
munchkins and boy did it.  This year in first grade, each class has 24 students.  
I need all the room I can manage for students to use, and move, and create, and learn, and grow. I will replace the desk with a reading table that was already in the room and voila, 
at least 30 square feet more useable space.  I converted two of the drawers in an existing cabinet to "desk drawers" to store my school supplies such a paper clips, etc. 
 I added a small book case behind my new work area to organize my daily bins, 
teacher's manuals, read alouds, and things I normally would keep on my desktop.  
I am so excited to try out the new arrangement on Monday.  

How do you arrange your work area in your classroom?  Do you have a table or desk you use?  I will post before and after pics soon.